Vocabulary - going to the doctor in Portugal

European Portuguese vocabulary for beginners: at the doctor's office.


This is episode 72 and it’s for beginners.

In this episode, you are going to learn how to schedule an appointment with a National Health Service doctor.

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Portuguese Lab Podcast - European Portuguese - 72 - Vocabulary at the doctor.jpg


Before we get started, there are some different procedures between going to a National Health Service doctor and going to a private doctor in a private clinic or private hospital. If you go to a private doctor you usually either have private medical insurance where you co-pay the fees, or you pay for the appointment in full if you don’t have private medical insurance. This is also valid for medical exams.

Today I’ll be talking about an appointment with a National Health Service doctor.

1) A Tânia quer marcar uma consulta no médico.

Tânia wants to schedule an appointment with the doctor.

  • marcar - to schedule

  • a consulta - the appointment

2) Ela vai ao centro de saúde da sua área de residência (para marcar uma consulta no médico).

She goes to the health center of her area of residence (to schedule an appointment with the doctor).

  • o centro de saúde - the health center

  • a área de residência - the area of residence

3) Ela quer uma consulta de clínica geral.

She wants a general consultation (with a general practitioner).

4) A Tânia tem o seu cartão de utente na carteira.

Tânia has her user card in her wallet.

  • o cartão de utente - the National Health Service user card

  • a carteira - the wallet

5) O cartão de utente tem o número de utente do Serviço Nacional de Saúde.

The user card has the user number of the National Health Service.

  • o número de utente - the National Health Service user number

6) A Tânia diz que quer marcar uma consulta e dá o seu número de utente à recepcionista.

Tânia says that she wants to schedule an appointment and giver her user number to the receptionist.

  • diz (dizer) - says (to say)

  • dá (dar) - gives (to give)

7) A Tânia marca uma consulta para a próxima quarta-feira às oito e meia da manhã.

Tânia schedules an appointment for the next Wednesday at half past eight in the morning.

8) No dia da consulta, a Tânia vai ao centro de saúde.

On the day of the appointment, Tânia goes to the health center.

9) Antes da consulta, a Tânia tem de pagar a taxa moderadora.

Before de appointment, Tânia has to pay the fee.

  • a taxa moderadora - the appointment’s fee

10) Ela paga quatro euros e meio.

She pays four euros and fifty cents (fee for an appointment with your family doctor)

Some users are exempt from paying this fee. Included in this group are, for example, pregnant women, people under the age of eighteen, people that need treatment for certain diseases, such as cancer or diabetes.

11) A Tânia espera na sala de espera.

Tânia waits in the waiting room.

  • a sala de espera - the waiting room

12) O médico chama-a ao seu consultório.

The doctor calls her to his office.

  • o consultório - the doctor’s office

  • chamar - to call

13) A Tânia diz que tem uma dor no peito.

Tânia says that she has chest pain.

  • a dor - the pain

  • a dor no peito - the chest pain (the pain in the chest)

Eu tenho... I have…

  • uma dor no braço - a pain in the arm

  • uma dor na cabeça - a pain in the head

  • uma dor na perna - a pain in the leg

  • uma dor no pé - a pain in the foot

  • uma dor na mão - a pain in the hand

  • uma dor no nariz - a pain in the nose

14) O médico passa-lhe uma credencial para uma consulta com um especialista; um cardiologista.

The doctor writes her a referral for an appointment with a specialits; a cardiologist.

  • passar uma credencial - to write a referral

You need a referral from your doctor to see a specialist. This is just a sheet of paper, and you’ll need a similar one to do blood tests and x-rays, for example.

  • o especialista - the specialist

15) O médico também lhe passa uma receita; comprimidos para as dores.

The doctor also writes (her) a prescription; pills for the pain.

  • passar uma receita - to write a prescription

  • o comprimido - the pill

  • para as dores - for the pain(s)


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