

If you are keen on learning proper European Portuguese, chances are you already searched the internet and found only a handful options out there. I can hereby say with confidence and clear conscious that Portuguese Lab Academy is simply the best among these (having tried all the others’ trial versions) when it comes to a structured and organized way of learning, achieving this by an aesthetically appealing and top quality web interface.

- Efe A., Turkey


“Very high quality European Portuguese material. Podcast author Susana Morais is obviously very dedicated. The materials across her series of podcasts are very high quality, with a mix of vocabulary, stories, and grammatical information. There are also supplementary materials for each podcast on the Portuguese Lab website, including transcripts of the podcasts and exercises. Anyone interested in European Portuguese should be subscribing, this is a very valuable resource for learners.”

- John O'Meara


“Best for listening. Excellent study materials. Wow. This course is simply superb. The audio podcasts are well arranged AND supported with nicely arranged printed materials. Enjoy your walk or your trip with the audio, then go to the supporting web page for that episode and get even more material to try out. This is better than using a tourist guide approach.”

- Computer Help Cherry Creek