Verbs - irregular verbs in the present

Topic: learn the Portuguese verb conjugation for the most common irregular verbs


In this lesson you learn:

  • the 15 most common irregular verbs in European Portuguese.

  • how to conjugate these verbs in the present tense

  • examples of the verbs used in context (sentences).

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Portuguese Lab Podcast - European Portuguese - 30 - Irregular verbs 1.png

Irregular verbs

Portuguese Lab - Irregular verbs in Portuguese.jpg


  1. Eu sou professora. I am a teacher.

  2. Eles estão na Madeira. They are in Madeira.

  3. Ele tem um gato. He has a cat.

  4. Elas veem o oceano. They see the ocean.

  5. Eles leem o jornal. They read the newspaper.

Portuguese Lab - Irregular verbs in Portuguese.jpg


  1. Ela faz um bolo. She bakes a cake.

  2. Eu digo a verdade. I say (tell) the truth.

  3. Tu trazes a mala? Do you bring the bag?

  4. Eu não sei cantar. I don’t know how to sing.

  5. Eu não posso comer amendoins. I can’t eat peanuts.


Watch the video

Portuguese Lab - Irregular verbs in Portuguese.jpg


  1. O senhor quer mais alguma coisa? Do you want something else?

  2. Ele põe o leite no frigorífico. He puts the milk in the refrigerator.

  3. Eu ouço as notícias na rádio. I listen to the news on the radio.

  4. Nós vamos para o trabalho. We go to work.

  5. Vocês também vêm? Are you coming too?


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